设计实用手册:提高建筑外观 The Design Quality Manual 下载 pdf 百度网盘 epub 免费 2025 电子版 mobi 在线

设计实用手册:提高建筑外观 The Design Quality Manual精美图片
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设计实用手册:提高建筑外观 The Design Quality Manual书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9781405130882
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2007-08
  • 页数:199
  • 价格:874.70
  • 纸张:铜版纸
  • 装帧:精装
  • 开本:暂无开本
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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  • 读书笔记:点击查看
  • 原文摘录:点击查看


Everyone involved in a building project wants to achieve a betterbuilding but design quality means different things to clients, users, architects, cost consultants and contractors. Negotiating design priorities is an important part of the development process.

The Design Quality Manual helps give an objective evaluation of the qualitative aspects of design. Matrices with five defined levels of quality have been developed that cover the key areas of architecture, environmental engineering, user comfort

conditions, whole-life costs, detail design and user satisfaction. These can be scored by a visual survey and professional judgement and then augmented by scientific measurement where possible (e.g. temperature, lighting and sound levels).

The resultant scores allow comparisons in terms of overall and specific aspects of building performance and design quality.



Abbreviations and acronyms

1 Introduction

1.1 Overview of design quality and building performance

1.2 Building procurement systems

1.3 Chequered history of building procurement systems

1.4 Cultural context of building procurement systems - public v. private?

1.5 Architects and social status

1.6 Architecture: art, profession or commercial enterprise?

1.7 Client's changing needs and objectives

1.8 References

2 Building procurement

2.1 Evolution of the building industry and professionalism

2.2 Modern building procurement systems

2.3 Traditional building procurement

2.4 Variants of the traditional system

2.5 Design and build

2.6 Variants of design and build

2.7 Management contracting

2.8 Construction management

2.9 Design and manage

2.10 British Property Federation system

2.11 Project management

2.12 Professional development system

2.13 New Engineering Contract

2.14 Private Finance Initiative

2.15 Building procurement guidance

2.16 Chapter summary

2.17 References

3 Schools

3.1 Historical evolution of schools

3.2 The modern era of school building

3.3 Twentieth century schools

3.4 Twenty-first century schools

3.5 PFI schools in England and Wales -Introduction

3.6 PFI schools in England and Wales - Design Quality Matrices

3.7 PFI schools in England and Wales - Overall summary matrix

3.8 PFI schools in England and Wales - Architecture

3.9 PFI schools in England and Wales - Environmental engineering

3.10 PFI schools in England and Wales - User comfort

3.11 PFI schools in England and Wales - Whole life costs

3.12 PFI schools in England and Wales - Detail design

3.13 PFI schools in England and Wales- Conclusions

3.14 PFI schools in England and Wales- Recommendations

3.15 PFI schools in England and Wales - Summary

3.16 PFI schools in Northern Ireland -Introduction

3.17 PFI schools in Northern Ireland - Description of the project

3.18 PFI schools in Northern Ireland - Design Quality Matrices

3.19 PFI schools in Northern Ireland - Overall summary matrix

3.20 PFI schools in Northern Ireland -Architecture

3.21 PFI schools in Northern Ireland - Environmental engineering

3.22 PFI schools in Northern Ireland - User comfort

3.23 PFI schools in Northern Ireland - Whole life costs

3.24 PFI schools in Northern Ireland - Detail design

3.25 PFI schools in Northern Ireland - User satisfaction

3.26 PFI schools in Northern Ireland - Conclusions

3.27 PFI schools in Northern Ireland - Recommendations

3.28 PFI schools in Northern Ireland - Summary

3.29 International case studies

3.30 Further international case studies

3.31 References

4 Hospitals

4.1 Historical evolution of hospitals

4.2 The modern era of hospital building

4.3 Twenty-first century hospitals

4.4 Benchmarking hospitals -Introducing a design quality method

4.5 Benchmarking hospitals- The Design Quality Matrices

4.6 Benchmarking hospitals - Architecture

4.7 Benchmarking hospitals - Environmental engineering

4.8 Benchmarking hospitals - User comfort

4.9 Benchmarking hospitals - Whole life costs

4.10 Benchmarking hospitals - Detail design

4.11 Benchmarking hospitals - User satisfaction


5 Housing

Appendix BRE s Design Quality Matrices


The colour plate section is to be found after page











Everyone involved in a building project wants to achieve a better building but design quality means different things to clients, users, architects, cost consultants and contractors. Negotiating design priorities is an important part of the development process.


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