IT and the East: How China and India Are Altering the Future of Technology and Innovation (Gartner) IT在东方 下载 pdf 百度网盘 epub 免费 2025 电子版 mobi 在线

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The center of gravity in the technology world has shifted east. Today, India and China are churning out some of the world’s best-trained computer science and electrical engineering graduates. In both countries, consumer classes and domestic markets for technology have ballooned. Western high-tech firms are increasingly sourcing their products’ assembly from India and China and the innovation that drives those products. Meanwhile, indigenous Indian and Chinese companies are creating intellectual property and innovations that will compete with those same Western companies.
In IT and the East, James M. Popkin and Partha Iyengar examine the vital questions these developments raise: What’s the long-term impact of high-tech outsourcing? How will innovation be managed in the future? Can Western firms compete in Asian markets while protecting key intellectual property? Will the innovation engine inexorably shift east? What would such a shift mean for Western countries currently driving innovation? The authors also discuss the emerging alliances between Indian and Chinese technology companies and outline the implications for Western businesses.
Filled with extensive interviews with high-level executives, government officials, and academics from around the world, IT and the East is the first book to articulate the challenges that new business scenarios and capabilities in India and China pose for Western technology firms.
Introduction: IT and the East
Part One. China
ONE China: Reality Versus Perception
TWO China's IT Landscape Today
THREE Charting the Course of China to 2012
Part Two. India
FOUR India: Reality Versus Perception
FIVE India's IT Landscape Today
Six Charting the Course for India to 2012
Part Three. China
SEVEN THe Energing Economy of Chindia
EIGHT The Case for Chindia Bloc
INNE Priorities Today for a Chindia Future
Appendix A
Appendix B
About the Authors
James M. Popkin is a group vice president and Research Fellow in Gartner Research responsible for research content strategy in China, India, and Korea.
Partha Iyengar is an India-based research vice president at Gartner responsible for covering software development and global sourcing issues for clients world-wide.
The center of gravity in the technology world has shifted east. Today, China and India are producing some the world’s best-trained computer science and electrical engineering graduates. In each country, the consumer class and the domestic market for technology have ballooned. Western high-tech firms are increasingly sourcing their products’ assembly, and the innovation that drives those products, from China and India. Meanwhile, indigenous Chinese and Indian companies are creating intellectual property and innovations that will directly challenge those same Western companies.
In IT and the East, James M. Popkin and Partha Iyengar examine the vital questions these developments raise:
Can Western firms compete in Asian markets while protecting key intellectual property?
What’s the long term impact of high-tech outsourcing?
How will innovation be managed in the future?
Will the innovation engine inexorably shift east? What would such a shift mean for Western countries currently driving innovation?
The authors also discuss for emerging alliances between Chinese and Indian technology companies in specific market such as IT services, textile, pharmaceuticals, and automotive components. These alliances have inspired the idea of “Chindia”— a combined China and India competing globally. Popkin and Iyengar present a compelling Chindia as a means to explain how these two great countries might soon reassert their combines influences on the international stage. And they explore the major implications of this development for Western businesses as wide ranging as IBM, Motorola, Accenture, Sun Microsystems, and Google.
featuring extensive interviews with high-level executives, government officials, and academics from around the world, IT and the East is the first book to articulate the challenges that new business scenarios and capabilities in China and India pose for Western technology firms.
The center of gravity in the technology world has shifted east. Today, India and China are churning out some of the world's best-trained computer science and electrical engineering graduates. In both countries, consumer classes and domestic markets for technology have ballooned. Western high-tech firms are increasingly sourcing their products' assembly from India and China and the innovation that drives those products. Meanwhile, indigenous Indian and Chinese companies are creating intellectual property and innovations that will compete with those same Western companies. In "IT and the East", James M. Popkin and Partha Iyengar examine the vital questions these developments raise: What's the long-term impact of high-tech outsourcing? How will innovation be managed in the future? Can Western firms compete in Asian markets while protecting key intellectual property? Will the innovation engine inexorably shift east? What would such a shift mean for Western countries currently driving innovation? The authors also discuss the emerging alliances between Indian and Chinese technology companies and outline the implications for Western businesses. Filled with extensive interviews with high-level executives, government officials, and academics from around the world, "IT and the East" is the first book to articulate the challenges that new business scenarios and capabilities in India and China pose for Western technology firms.
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