新版剑桥实用专业英语:金融财务英语(附答案) 下载 pdf 百度网盘 epub 免费 2025 电子版 mobi 在线

》新版剑桥实用专业英语:金融财务英语(附答案)电子书籍版权问题 请点击这里查看《


  • ISBN:9787100183222
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2020-6
  • 页数:140
  • 价格:68.00
  • 纸张:暂无纸张
  • 装帧:暂无装帧
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Money and income 8

A Currency

B Personal finance

Business finance 10

A Capital

B Revenue

C Financial statements


Accounting and accountancy 12

A Accounting

B Auditing

C Laws, rules and standards

Bookkeeping 14

A Double-entry bookkeeping

B Day books and ledgers

C Balancing the books

Company law 1 16

A Partnerships

B Limited liability

C Founding companies

Company law 2 18

A Private and public companies


Accounting policies and standards 20

A Valuation and measurement

B Historical cost and inflation accounting

Accounting assumptions and principles 22

A Assumptions

B Principles

Depreciation and amortization 24

A Fixed assets

B Valuation

C Depreciation systems

Auditing 26

A Internal auditing

B External auditing

C Irregularities

The balance sheet 1 28

A Assets, liabilities and capital

B Shareholders’ equity

The balance sheet 2: assets 30

A Fixed and current assets

B Valuation

C Tangible and intangible assets

The balance sheet 3: liabilities 32

A Liabilities

B Accrued expenses

C Shareholders’ equity on the balance sheet

The other financial statements 34

A The profit and loss account

B The cash flow statement

Financial ratios 1 36

A Types of financial ratio

B Liquidity and solvency ratios

C Earnings and dividends

Financial ratios 2 38

A Profitability

B Leverage

Cost accounting 40

A Direct and indirect costs

B Fixed and variable costs

C Breakeven analysis

Pricing 42

A Manufacturers’ pricing strategies

B Retail pricing strategies


Personal banking 44

A Current accounts

B Banking products and services

C E-banking

Commercial and retail banking 46

A Commercial and retail banks

B Credit

C Loans and risks

Financial institutions 48

A Types of financial institution

B Deregulation

C Specialized banks

Investment banking 50

A Raising capital

B Mergers and acquisitions

C Consulting and research

Central banking 52

A The functions of central banks

B The central bank and the commercial banks

C Central banks and exchange rates

Interest rates 54

A Interest rates and monetary policy

B Different interest rates

Money markets 56

A The money markets

B Common money market instruments

C Repos

Islamic banking 58

A Interest-free banking

B Types of accounts

C Leasing and short-term loans

Money supply and control 60

A Measuring money

B Changing the money supply

C Monetarism


Venture capital 62

A Raising capital

B Return on capital

Stocks and shares 1 64

A Stocks, shares and equities

B Going public

C Ordinary and preference shares

Stocks and shares 2 66

A Buying and selling shares

B New share issues

C Categories of stocks and shares

Shareholders 68

A Investors

B Dividends and capital gains

C Speculators

Share prices 70

A Influences on share prices

B Predicting prices

C Types of risks

Bonds 72

A Government and corporate bonds

B Prices and yields

C Other types of bonds

Futures 74

A Commodity futures

B Financial futures

Derivatives 76

A Options

B In-the-money and out-of-the-money

C Warrants and swaps

Asset management 78

A Allocating and diversifying assets

B Types of investor

C Active and passive investment

Hedge funds and structured products 80

A Hedge funds

B Leverage, short-selling and arbitrage

C Structured products

Describing charts and graphs 82

A Increase and decrease

B Rate of change

C High points, low points, and staying the


Mergers and takeovers 84

A Mergers, takeovers and joint ventures

B Hostile or friendly?

C Integration

Leveraged buyouts 86

A Conglomerates

B Raiders

Financial planning 88

A Financing new investments

B Discounted cash flows

C Comparing investment returns

Financial regulation and supervision 90

A Government regulation

B Internal controls

C Sarbanes-Oxley


International trade 92

A Trade

B Balance of payments

C Protectionism

Exchange rates 94

A Why exchange rates change

B Fixed and floating rates

C Government intervention

Financing international trade 96

A Documentary credits

B Bills of exchange

C Export documents

Incoterms 98

A Transport and additional costs

B The E and F terms

C The C and D terms

46 Insurance 100

A Insuring against risks

B Life insurance and saving

C Insurance companies

The business cycle 102

A Expansion and contraction

B Fiscal policy

C Monetary policy

Taxation 104

A Direct taxes

B Indirect taxes

C Non-payment of tax

Business plans 106

A Market opportunities

B The company, the product and the market

C The financial analysis

Language reference 108

Market idioms


Word stress

British and American vocabulary

Answer key 114

Index 132

Acknowledgements 140


Accounting and accountancy

A Accounting

Accounting involves recording and summarizing an organization’s transactions or business deals, such as purchases and sales, and reporting them in the form of financial statements. (See Units 11–14) In many countries, the accounting or accountancy profession has professional organizations which operate their own training and examination systems, and make technical and ethical rules: these relate to accepted ways of doing things.

Bookkeeping is the day-to-day recording of transactions.

Financial accounting includes bookkeeping, and preparing financial statements for shareholders and creditors (people or organizations who have lent money to a company).

Management accounting involves the use of accounting data by managers, for making plans and decisions.

B Auditing

Auditing means examining a company’s systems of control and the accuracy or exactness of its records, looking for errors or possible fraud: where the company may have deliberately given false information.

An internal audit is carried out by a company’s own accountants or internal auditors.

An external audit is done by independent auditors: auditors who are not employees of the company.

The external audit examines the truth and fairness of financial statements. It tries to prevent what is called ‘creative accounting’, which means recording transactions and values in a way that produces a false result – usually an artificially high profit.

There is always more than one way of presenting accounts. The accounts of British companies have to give a true and fair view of their financial situation. This means that the financial statements must give a correct and reasonable picture of the company’s current condition.

C Laws, rules and standards

In most continental European countries, and in Japan, there are laws relating to accounting, established by the government. In the US, companies whose stocks are traded on public stock exchanges have to follow rules set by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), a government agency. In Britain, the rules, which are called standards, have been established by independent organizations such as the Accounting Standards Board (ASB), and by the accountancy profession itself. Companies are expected to apply or use these standards in their annual accounts in order to give a true and fair view.

Companies in most English-speaking countries are largely funded by shareholders, both individuals and financial institutions. In these countries, the financial statements are prepared for shareholders. However, in many continental European countries businesses are largely funded by banks, so accounting and financial statements are prepared for creditors and the tax authorities.


伊恩•麦肯齐出生和成长在马萨诸塞,毕业于哈佛大学,曾著有Feast Day。他在商务英语领域有丰富的教学和实践经验。












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