推动公益事业发展的六法则Forces for Good : The Six Practices of High-Impact Nonprofits 下载 pdf 百度网盘 epub 免费 2025 电子版 mobi 在线

推动公益事业发展的六法则Forces for Good : The Six Practices of High-Impact Nonprofits电子书下载地址
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An innovative guide to how great nonprofits achieve extraordinary social impact. What makes great nonprofits great? Authors Crutchfield and McLeod Grant searched for the answer over several years, employing a rigorous research methodology which derived from books on for-profits like Built to Last. They studied 12 nonprofits that have achieved extraordinary levels of impact—from Habitat for Humanity to the Heritage Foundation—and distilled six counterintuitive practices that these organizations use to change the world. This book has lessons for all readers interested in creating significant social change, including nonprofit managers, donors and volunteers.
Leslie R. Crutchfield (Washington, D.C.) is a managing director of Ashoka and research grantee of the Aspen Institute. Heather McLeod Grant (Palo Alto, CA) is a nonprofit consultant and advisor to Duke University’s Center for the Advancement of Social Entrepreneurship and the Stanford Center for Social Innovation. Crutchfield and Grant were co-founding editors of Who Cares, a national magazine reaching 50,000 readers in circulation between 1993-2000.
Leslie R.Crutchfield is a managing director of Ashoka:Innovators of the Public,a philanthropic adviser,and a research grantee of The Aspen Institute's Nonprofit Sector and Philnthropy Program.She serves on the board of the SEED Fundation and Resides in the Washington.D.C.,area.
The Authors
1 Forces for Good
2 Advocate and Serve
3 Make Markets Work
4 Inspire Evangelists
5 Nurture Nonprofit Networks
6 Master the Art of Adaptation
7 Share Leadership
8 Sustaining Impact
9 Putting It into Practice
Appendix A: Research Methodology
Appendix B: Field Experts
Appendix C: Case Study Research Guidelines and Questions
Appendix D: Key Stakeholders Interview List
Appendix E: Organization Profiles
Additional Resources
"Author with Valley roots help nonprofits partner with others in communities to share their missions." (Fresno Bee)
"…the books strength is how well it translates business practices and philosophies." (Library Journal, Dec 15, 2007)
"Cleverly chosen examples show how the best achieve their impact." (The Economist, Saturday 8th December 2007)
"These are important findings, and not just for NGOs: traditional for-profit companies could probably learn a thing or two" (Economist.com, December 2007)
"They found that one quality that makes great nonprofits great." (beth.typepad.com/blog, 10/30/2007)
"FFG provides many more examples of stellar leadership at work…" (crosswalk.com, 10/30/2007)
"Non profit organizations with budgets big and small can make a notable impact in their fields… The book, which was in its third printing before it was released Friday, identifies six practices. . ." (Washington Times, 10/29/2007)
5-Star Review: " The book does not get bogged down in reams of data… rather is carried by stories told—stories that are dramatic, heart warming . . ." (About.com, 10/22/2007)
"FFG is significant because it really defines the new world we are living in." (Eric Swanson.blogspot, 10/22/2007)
"Through extensive surveys and interviews, the authors develop six practices common to high-impact nonprofits: offering advocacy efforts and service, harnessing market forces and leveraging the power and resources of business, engaging individuals from outside the organization, working with and through other organizations, learning to adapt, and sharing leadership by empowering others." (Booklist, 10/15/2007)
Image of the book and announcement of the book featured on the main page. (City Year, e-newsletter, 09/20/2007)
"Whether you're a nonprofit leaders, a philanthropist, a business exec, a donor, or a volunteer, you will find something that inspires you to be an even more effective catalyst for lasting social change." (thesocialedge.com)
"Crutchfield and McLeod Grant have made a significant contribution with a Very Big Idea–the shift in focus from building an organization to building a movement. Inspired and inspiring, this book can change the way the world works by changing how leaders think."
—Jim Collins, author, Good to Great, and coauthor, Built to Last
"The [nonprofits] having the greatest impact these days are those that have moved beyond old traditions. They are entrepreneurial, adaptive, externally-oriented, and sometimes a little messy. Working together, they are not only trying to fix problems, but also reform whole systems. For people who want to change the world—and who doesn’t?—this book provides an invaluable road map. Bravo!"
—David Gergen, professor of public service and director, Center for Public Leadership, Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government
"Global problems like abject poverty and climate change require innovative, scaleable solutions. We have so much to learn from these six practices because they’re what lead to wide-scale social change."
—Larry Brilliant, executive director, Google.org and Sheryl Sandberg, board member, Google.org, and vice president, Google.com
"If you’re a funder, you have to read this book. It will frame how you think about lasting impact and greatly enhance your due diligence. The six practices should be your six principles of grantmaking."
—Edward Skloot, president, The Surdna Foundation
"[This book] frees entrepreneurs from the distraction of conventional management measurements. Instead, its findings say, ‘Go ahead and change the world!’ Indeed! This is the only true bottom line."
—Bill Drayton, chair and CEO, Ashoka: Innovators for the Public, and chair, Youth Venture
"Anyone who wants to affect systemic change and make a lasting difference in the world should read this important book and take its lessons to heart."
—J. Gregory Dees, professor, Center for the Advancement of Social Entrepreneurship, Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business
An innovative guide to how great nonprofits achieve extraordinary social impact. What makes great nonprofits great? Authors Crutchfield and McLeod Grant searched for the answer over several years, employing a rigorous research methodology which derived from books on for-profits like Built to Last . They studied 12 nonprofits that have achieved extraordinary levels of impact—from Habitat for Humanity to the Heritage Foundation—and distilled six counterintuitive practices that these organizations use to change the world. This book has lessons for all readers interested in creating significant social change, including nonprofit managers, donors and volunteers. Leslie R. Crutchfield (Washington, D.C.) is a managing director of Ashoka and research grantee of the Aspen Institute. Heather McLeod Grant (Palo Alto, CA) is a nonprofit consultant and advisor to Duke University’s Center for the Advancement of Social Entrepreneurship and the Stanford Center for Social Innovation. Crutchfield and Grant were co-founding editors of Who Cares , a national magazine reaching 50,000 readers in circulation between 1993-2000.
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